Mayor of Phuket

Mayor of Phuket

With the intention of Luang Anuphasphuketkarn that children shall known to make contribution to civic service and local community as same as he made through in his life time.  All his children follow this goodness, throughout the work of 3 members of Hongsyok family town as mayor and municipal council of Phuket  as follows:


1.Virat Hongsyok, was elected president of the Phuket Provincial Council and served a  term as Mayor of Phuket Town.

2.His second son, Veerapong, served on the Phuket Municipal Management Committee for three terms, was a Phuket Municipal Coun-cillor for two terms, and served as a member of the Phuket Provin-cial Council for two terms.

3.The third son, Mr. Kanit Hongsyok, was a Phuket Municipal Councillor.

4.The sixth son, Mr. Narong Hongsyok, served as a Provincial Council member for seven terms and was President for one term.

5.The next generation, too, have followed the example of Luang Anuphasphuketkarn. Lieutenant Phummisak Hongsyok, a son of Kanit Hongsyok, was elected to the Phuket Municipal Council and, after one term, became Mayor of Phuket Town for three terms, culminating with the town being upgraded to city status.